§ 17-23-12 Qualification of personobtaining signatures. (a) No person, except one qualified to sign a petition for the adoption of ahome rule charter as provided in § 6 of article XIII of the Constitutionof this state, shall circulate any petition, or obtain signatures on anypetition, and any petition circulated, or any signature obtained, by anyunqualified person shall be null and void for all purposes.
(b) Nor shall any person not qualified as provided insubsection (a) of this section, obtain signatures on nomination papers of anyelector seeking to be a candidate at any election held for the purpose ofselecting the members of a charter commission, and any signature appearing onany nomination paper which has been obtained by one not qualified shall be nulland void for all purposes.
(c) Any person who knowingly and willfully violates theprovisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and anyperson who, knowing that he or she is not qualified pursuant to theConstitution, willfully signs any petition for the adoption of a home rulecharter, or the nomination papers of any candidate for a position on a chartercommission, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.