§ 17-23-5 Bribery or intimidation ofvoters Immunity of witnesses in bribery trials. Every person who directly or indirectly gives, or offers to agree to give, toany elector or to any person for the benefit of any elector, any sum of moneyor other valuable consideration for the purpose of inducing the elector to givein or withhold that elector's vote at any election in this state, or by way ofreward for having voted or withheld that elector's vote, or who uses any threator employs any means of intimidation for the purpose of influencing the electorto vote or withhold that elector's vote for or against any candidate orcandidates or proposition pending at an election, shall be guilty of a felony,and no person after conviction of this offense, shall be permitted to vote inany election or upon any proposition pending before the people, or to hold anypublic office; and no evidence given by any witness testifying upon the trialof any charge of bribery shall be used against the person giving the evidence.