§ 17-23-7 Protection of names of majorparties. (a) It shall be unlawful for any club or society or association, whetherincorporated or not, to include in its name the word "republican" or "democrat"or any designation indicating its affiliation with a political party, unless:
(1) If it is state or congressional district wide in itsmembership or activities, it has the written consent for the inclusion of thestate central committee of the republican or democratic party, as the case maybe;
(2) If it is city or town wide in its membership oractivities, it has the written consent for the inclusion of the city or towncommittee of the republican or democratic party, as the case may be, of thecity or town in which its activities are or are to be centered;
(3) If it is ward or voting district wide in its membershipor activities, it has a written consent for the inclusion of the ward committeeof the republican or democratic party, as the case may be, of the ward in whichits activities are or are to be centered;
(4) If it is senatorial or representative district wide inits membership or activities, it has the written consent for the inclusion ofthe district committee of the republican or democratic party, as the case maybe, of the senatorial or representative district, as the case may be, in whichits activities are or are to be centered.
(b) Every member and every officer of any club, society, orassociation, whether incorporated or not, violating any of the provisions ofthis section shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
(c) Upon the written request of one member of the committeefrom which consent for the inclusion should have been obtained as provided inthis section, the attorney general shall institute appropriate courtproceedings to prevent continued violations of this section.