§ 17-25-18 Public financing of electioncampaigns General purpose. Whereas, the general assembly finds that the cost of running for statewideoffice has risen over the last decade at a rate far in excess of the increasein the cost of living; and
Whereas, the general assembly finds that the need to raiseever larger sums of money to effectively compete for general office threatensthe essence of our democratic system by excluding many well qualifiedcandidates; and
Whereas, the general assembly finds that the candidate's needto raise large sums of money can result in disproportionate and inappropriateinfluence being obtained by those who possess the financial ability to makelarge contributions to campaigns; and
Whereas, the general assembly finds that the state cannotimpose limitations on the amount of private funds raised and expended forelection purposes by a candidate unless it provides for at least partial publicfinancing of campaigns;
Therefore, the general assembly determines that it is in thebest interest of the citizens of the state to provide public financing toqualified candidates for general office.