§ 17-25-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from thecontext:
(1) "Business entity" means any corporation, whether forprofit or not for profit, domestic corporation or foreign corporation, asdefined in § 7-1.2-106, financial institution, cooperative, association,receivership, trust, holding company, firm, joint stock company, publicutility, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, or any otherentity recognized by the laws of the United States and/or the state of RhodeIsland for the purpose of doing business. The term "business entity" shall notinclude a political action committee organized pursuant to this chapter or apolitical party committee or an authorized campaign committee of a candidate oroffice holder.
(2) "Candidate" means any individual who undertakes anyaction, whether preliminary or final, which is necessary under the law toqualify for nomination for election or election to public office, and/or anyindividual who receives a contribution or makes an expenditure, or gives his orher consent for any other person to receive a contribution or make anexpenditure, with a view to bringing about his or her nomination or election toany public office, whether or not the specific public office for which he orshe will seek nomination or election is known at the time the contribution isreceived or the expenditure is made and whether or not he or she has announcedhis or her candidacy or filed a declaration of candidacy at that time.
(3) "Contributions" and "expenditures" include all transfersof money, credit or debit card transactions on-line or electronic paymentsystems such as "pay pal," paid personal services, or other thing of value toor by any candidate, committee of a political party, or political actioncommittee or ballot question advocate. A loan shall be considered acontribution of money until it is repaid.
(4) "Election" means any primary, general, or specialelection or town meeting for any public office of the state, municipality, ordistrict or for the determination of any question submitted to the voters ofthe state, municipality, or district.
(5) "Election cycle" means the twenty-four (24) month periodcommencing on January 1 of odd number years and ending on December 31 of evennumber years; provided, with respect to the public financing of electioncampaigns of general officers under §§ 17-25-19, 17-25-20, and17-25-25, "election cycle" means the forty-eight (48) month period commencingon January 1 of odd numbered years and ending December 31 of even numberedyears.
(6) "In-Kind Contributions" means the monetary value of otherthings of value or paid personal services donated to, or benefiting, any personrequired to file reports with the board of elections.
(7) "Other thing of value" means any item of tangible real orpersonal property of a fair market value in excess of one hundred dollars($100).
(8) "Paid personal services" means personal services of everykind and nature, the cost or consideration for which is paid or provided bysomeone other than the committee or candidate for whom the services arerendered, but shall not include personal services provided without compensationby persons volunteering their time.
(9) "Person" means an individual, partnership, committee,association, corporation, and any other organization.
(10) "Political action committee" means any group of two (2)or more persons that accepts any contributions to be used for advocating theelection or defeat of any candidate or candidates. Only political actioncommittees that have accepted contributions from fifteen (15) or more personsin amounts of ten dollars ($10.00) or more within an election cycle shall bepermitted to make contributions, and those committees must make contributionsto at least five (5) candidates for state or local office within an electioncycle.
(11) "Public office" means any state, municipal, school, ordistrict office or other position that is filled by popular election, exceptpolitical party offices. "Political party offices" means any state, city, town,ward, or representative or senatorial district committee office of a politicalparty or delegate to a political party convention, or any similar office.
(12) "State" means state of Rhode Island.
(13) "Testimonial affair" means an affair of any kind ornature including, but not limited to, cocktail parties, breakfasts, luncheons,dinners, dances, picnics, or similar affairs expressly and directly intended toraise campaign funds in behalf of a candidate to be used for nomination orelection to a public office in this state, or expressly and directly intendedto raise funds in behalf of any state or municipal committee of a politicalparty, or expressly and directly intended to raise funds in behalf of anypolitical action committee.