§ 17-25-30 Public financing of electioncampaigns Compliance benefits. (1) Entitled to an additional benefit of free time on community antennatelevision to be allocated pursuant to rules determined by the administratorfor the division of public utilities. During all allocated free time, thecandidate shall personally appear and present the message of the advertisement;provided, however, the content of all television time shall include captioningfor the deaf and hard of hearing and the content of all radio time must beavailable in a written or text format at the time of request;
(2) Entitled to an additional benefit of free time on anypublic broadcasting station operating under the jurisdiction of the RhodeIsland public telecommunications authority pursuant to rules determined by theauthority. During all allocated free time, the candidate shall personallyappear and personally present the message of the advertisement; provided,however, the content of all television time shall include captioning for thedeaf and hard of hearing and the content of all radio time must be available ina written or text format at the time of request; and
(3) Entitled to accept a contribution or contributions thatin the aggregate do not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) from any person orpolitical action committee within a calendar year.