§ 17-27-2 Affidavits required. In connection with contracts for goods or services to be provided at a cost offive thousand dollars ($5,000) or more between a state vendor and a stateagency, whether written or unwritten, the state vendor shall execute, underoath, an affidavit concerning reportable contributions pursuant to chapter 25of this title. If the state vendor has, within the twenty-four (24) monthspreceding the date of the contract, contributed an aggregate amount in excessof two hundred fifty dollars ($250) within a calendar year to any generalofficer, any candidate for a general office, any member of the general assemblyor candidate for the general assembly, or any political party; the state vendorshall file the affidavit with the board of elections and shall list the name ofthe general officer, member of the general assembly or candidate or politicalparty, the amount and date of each contribution made during the precedingtwenty-four (24) months and the total gross amount, in dollars, of contractsentered into between the state vendor and all state agencies during that periodof time.