§ 17-3-6 Vacancy in general assembly Special elections. (a) Whenever from any cause a vacancy occurs in the representation of anysenatorial or representative district in the general assembly while the generalassembly is in session, the secretary of state shall cause the local board ofthe city or town to issue a warrant ordering an election to fill the vacancy,to be held in that district at least seventy (70) but not more than ninety (90)days from the occurrence of the vacancy; provided, that if the general assemblyhas nearly completed its January session so that it is doubtful whether theperson to be chosen can serve as a member at that session, the election shallnot be ordered within that time limit, but may be held at any later date withinthat calendar year, if that year is the first year of the biennial period forwhich a general assembly has been chosen. If the vacancy occurs after the firstMonday in February in the second year of the biennial period for which ageneral assembly was chosen, no warrant shall be issued for a special electionto fill the vacancy. If the vacancy occurs or exists at any other time when thegeneral assembly is not in session, the secretary of state shall cause to beissued a warrant for an election to be held to fill the vacancy.
(b) Every person elected pursuant to the provisions of thissection shall hold his or her office for the remainder of the term that personis elected to fill, and until his or her successor is elected and qualified.