§ 17-6-1 General powers and duties. (a) The secretary of state shall have those functions, powers, and dutiesrelating to elections that may be provided by this title or any other law notinconsistent with this chapter. The secretary of state shall maintain a centralroster of all elected and appointed officers of the state, including for eachofficer the nature of the officer's tenure and the date of expiration of theofficer's term of office. The secretary of state shall maintain a centralregister of all persons registered to vote in the several cities and towns andshall add, amend, delete, and cancel any names appearing on the register ascertified to the secretary by the several local boards and by the state board.
(b) The secretary of state may compile and publish a completeedition of the election law, which the secretary shall make available to allelection officials and candidates upon request, and without charge. Thesecretary of state shall receive and file certificates of election results asprovided by this title.