§ 17-9.1-21 Registration lists furnishedto political parties. The local boards shall not more than once a month, if requested to do so by thestate and/or city or town chairperson of any political party, or any state orlocal office holder or declared candidate for public office, furnish withoutcost and without unreasonable delay to the chairperson, or the chairperson'saccredited representative, and to any state or local office holder or declaredcandidate for public office so requesting, the names and addresses of allpersons who are newly registered to vote in the city or town, the names andaddresses of all electors who have transferred to a new voting address, and thenames and addresses of all persons whose names have been removed from thevoting list or placed in the inactive category. In the event that any list sofurnished is declared to be inaccurate by the chairperson of the democraticstate committee or the chairperson of the republican state central committee,the state board of elections shall, at its discretion, if requested by eitherof the chairpersons, appoint a disinterested person to examine the records ofthe local board for the purpose of determining the accuracy of the list.Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any member of the generalpublic from obtaining the same information under the access to Public RecordsActs, chapter 2 of title 38.