§ 17-9.1-23 Party designation. (a) Whenever any person registers to vote, that person may designate his or herparty affiliation, or that person may designate that he or she is notaffiliated with any political party. The information shall be recorded on aform prescribed by the state board of elections.
(b) Any person who is already registered to vote and wishesto designate his or her party affiliation may do so by voluntarily presentinghimself or herself to that person's local board of canvassers and designatinghis or her party affiliation and certifying to the fact on the form furnishedfor that purpose.
(c) Whenever any person participates in a party primary, thatact shall serve as identifying the person as being affiliated with the party inwhose primary that person has participated and the local board shall record theaffiliation on the appropriate form. For the purposes of this section,"participating in a party primary" does not include the circulation or signingof nomination papers.