§ 17-9.1-5 Local registration agents. (a) The several local boards shall appoint a sufficient number of agents whoshall serve throughout each year for the purpose of receiving registrations ofpersons residing in the city or town in which the agent was appointed to act.The agents shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties, shall besubject to removal by the local board, and shall have power to acceptregistrations on Sundays and at any other time or place designated by the localboard, whether in or out of the presence of the members of the local board. Inaddition, all members of the general assembly shall have the power to acceptregistration on Sundays and any other day, and the local boards of canvassersshall provide all registration forms to the general assembly members.
(b) The several local boards or their agents shalladditionally hold a special registration session in any factory, mill,wholesale or retail or other employing establishment, or hospital, home foraged, or convalescent home within their city or town in the even numbered yearson or before July 5th for the state primary, and on or before August 5th forthe state election, if in the case of the primary a request for the specialregistration session is made during the months of May or June, and in the caseof the election a request for the special registration is made during themonths of June and July by ten (10) or more voters of the city or town filing apetition with the local board for the holding of a special registration sessionin the factory, mill, wholesale or retail or other employing establishment, orhospital, home for aged, or convalescent home, signed by them with their namesand addresses as they appear on voting lists of the city or town, and statingthat ten (10) or more persons employed in the factory, mill, wholesale orretail or other employing establishment, or convalescent home desire and areentitled to be registered in the city or town. The special registration sessionshall then be held if, at the time the petition is filed, the local board is inreceipt of permission in writing from the tenant, or, if there is no tenant,from the owner of the factory, mill, wholesale or retail or other employingestablishment, or the operator of the hospital, home for aged, or convalescenthome to use their premises for the purpose of holding the special session.