§ 17-9.1-7 Registration at the division ofmotor vehicles. (a) Every person applying at the division of motor vehicles for a driver'slicense or a renewal of the license, or personal identification document issuedby the division of motor vehicles, and who is or may be by the next generalelection qualified to vote, shall be afforded the opportunity to register tovote, or if previously registered, to change their address for voting purposes.
(b) The application to register to vote must be offeredsimultaneously with the application for the driver's license or renewal of itor personal identification document. Division of motor vehicles employees mustprovide to applicants for driver's licenses, license renewal, or personalidentification documents the same level of assistance and instruction withrespect to the application to register to vote as is provided with respect tothe application for driver's licenses, renewal of the license, or personalidentification documents; provided, that separate signatures shall be requiredon the application for driver's license, renewal of the license, or personalidentification document and the application to register to vote. The applicantmay decline to register to vote by failing to sign the voter registration form.In order to protect the privacy of those who do not wish to register to votefor any reason, the failure of an applicant for a driver's license or renewalof it or a personal identification document to sign the voter registration formmay not be used for any purposes other than to determine the person's voterregistration status.
(c) The voter registration application shall contain theregistrant's name, residence address, mailing address if different fromresidence address, date of birth, and registrant's signature and date ofaffixation of signature, and may include any other information, certifications,and declarations, including those made under the penalty of perjury, that maybe required by the state board in order to administer a single and unifiedsystem of voter registration in accordance with applicable state and federallaws which shall enable duly registered voters to vote in all elections intheir respective voting districts including, elections for federal officers.The voter registration application must also include, in print identical tothat used in the attestation portion of the form, the following:
(i) The penalties provided by law for submitting a falsevoter registration;
(ii) A statement that, if the applicant declines to registerto vote, his or her decision will remain confidential and be used only forvoter registration purposes; and
(iii) A statement that, if the applicant does register tovote, information regarding the office or branch of the division of motorvehicles to which the application was submitted will remain confidential, to beused only for voter registration purposes.
(2) It shall be the responsibility of the division of motorvehicles to print and to have available at all time a sufficient number ofvoter registration forms in order to carry out the provisions of this section.
(d) The completed voter registration application shall betransmitted by the division of motor vehicles to the central voter registrationsystem mandated pursuant to § 17-6-1.2 not later than the next businessday after the date of acceptance by the division of motor vehicles.Transmission shall be made by electronic means as prescribed by the secretaryof state, and shall be in an electronic form compatible with the voterregistration system maintained by the secretary of state. For each registrationelectronically transmitted, a hard copy will be provided to the appropriatelocal board of canvassers.
(e) Any person who has fully and correctly completed anapplication to register to vote at the division of motor vehicles is presumedto be registered as of the date of the acceptance of the registration by thedivision of motor vehicles, subject to verification of the registration by thelocal board as provided in § 17-9.1-25.
(f) The state board of elections shall have the authority toadopt regulations to implement and administer the provisions of this section,including all registrations taken at the division of motor vehicles.