§ 18-7-7 Other transfer by fiduciary. (a) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a personal representative ortrustee may make an irrevocable transfer to another adult or trust company ascustodian for the benefit of a minor pursuant to § 18-7-10, in the absenceof a will or under a will or trust that does not contain an authorization to doso.
(b) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a conservatormay make an irrevocable transfer to another adult or trust company as custodianfor the benefit of the minor pursuant to § 18-7-10.
(c) A transfer under subsection (a) or (b) of this sectionmay be made only if:
(1) The personal representative, trustee, or conservatorconsiders the transfer to be in the best interest of the minor;
(2) The transfer is not prohibited by or inconsistent withprovisions of the applicable will, trust agreement, or other governinginstrument; and
(3) The transfer is authorized by the court if it exceeds tenthousand dollars ($10,000) in value.