§ 19-14.4-5 Posting of charges Endorsement Receipt. (a) In every location licensed pursuant to this chapter, there shall be at alltimes posted in a conspicuous place within the licensed premises a complete andunambiguous schedule of all fees for cashing checks, deferred deposittransactions expressed as both a dollar amount and an annual percentage rate,and the initial issuance of any identification card.
(b) Before a licensee shall deposit, with any regulatedinstitution or other insured-deposit-taking institution organized under thelaws of the United States, a check cashed by the licensee, the check must beendorsed with the name under which the licensee is doing business and mustinclude the words "licensed check cashing services".
(c) The licensee shall provide a receipt for each transactionfor the benefit of a customer.
(d) Each check casher shall also post a list of valididentification which is acceptable in lieu of identification provided by thecheck casher. The information required by this section shall be clear, legible,and in letters not less than one-half (1/2) inch in height. The informationshall be posted in a conspicuous location in the unobstructed view of thepublic within the check cashers' premises. Failure to post information asrequired by this section, or the imposition of fees or identificationrequirements contrary to the information posted, shall constitute a deceptivetrade practice under chapter 13.1 of title 6.