§ 19-14.8-10 Certificate of registration Timing. (a) The director shall approve or deny an initial registration as a providerwithin one hundred twenty (120) days after an application is filed. Inconnection with a request pursuant to this chapter for additional information,the director may extend the one hundred twenty (120) day period for not morethan sixty (60) days. Within seven (7) days after denying an application, thedirector, in a record, shall inform the applicant of the reasons for the denial.
(b) If the director denies an application for registration asa provider or does not act on an application within the time prescribed insubsection (a), the applicant may appeal and request a hearing pursuant tochapter 42-35.
(c) Subject to this chapter subsection 19-14.8-11(d) and§ 19-14.8-34, a registration as a provider is valid for one year.