§ 19-28.1-28 Service of process. (a) A person who offers or sells a franchise subject to the registrationrequirements of this act in this state shall file with the director anirrevocable consent to service of process appointing the director as theperson's agent to receive service of process in a civil action or proceedingarising under this act.
(b) A person who offers or sells a franchise in this statewithout filing a consent to service of process is deemed to appoint thedirector as the person's agent to receive service of process in a civil actionor proceeding arising under this act.
(c) A person may effect service of process under this sectionby service on the director. The time to respond begins to run when the personsends notice of the service and a copy of the process by certified mail to thedefendant or respondent or attorney of record at its last address on file withthe director. If no address is on file with the director, the time to respondbegins to run when the process is served on the director. The plaintiff shallfile an affidavit of compliance with the court or tribunal hearing the matter.