§ 19-28.1-29 Fees. (a) The director shall charge and collect the fees fixed by this section. Thedirector shall not refund fees.
(b) The fee for filing an application for initialregistration of a franchise under § 19-28.1-9 is six hundred dollars($600).
(c) The fee for filing a notice of exemption under §19-28.1-6 is three hundred sixty dollars ($360).
(d) The fee for filing an application for renewal of aregistration under § 19-28.1-9 is three hundred dollars ($300).
(e) The fee for filing a request for an amendment to anapplication under § 19-28.1-11 is one hundred twenty dollars ($120).
(f) The fee for filing a request for an interpretive opinionunder § 19-28.1-27(c) is three hundred dollars ($300).
(g) The fee for filing advertising is ten dollars ($10.00)per item.