§ 19-28.1-4 Scope and applicability. (a) This act applies to a franchise that is offered or sold in this state.
(b) A franchise is offered for sale in this state if an offerto sell is made or accepted in this state or an offer to buy is accepted inthis state.
(c) An offer to sell is made in this state if the offer isdirected by the offeror into this state from within or from outside this stateand is received where it is directed. An offer to sell is accepted in thisstate if the offeree communicates acceptance to the offeror in this state andacceptance is received where it is directed.
(d) This act also applies to a franchise offered or soldoutside this state if it is offered or sold to a resident of this state and isto be operated in this state.
(e) An offer to sell is not made in this state solely becausethe offer appears in a newspaper or other publication of general and regularcirculation which had more than two thirds ( 2/3) of its circulation outsidethis state during the past twelve (12) months or solely because the offerappears in a broadcast or transmission originating outside this state.