§ 19-3-13.2 Fee disclosures at automatedteller machines. (a) Any financial institution, credit union or other entity operating anautomated teller machine pursuant to § 19-3-13 or otherwise, which imposesdirectly on the machine user any fee for use of its machine to processtransactions affecting accounts held by other financial institutions, creditunions, or other entities, shall provide to the machine user the following:
(1) Notice in accordance with the requirements of subsection(b); and
(2) Make available a receipt of transaction(s) in accordancewith the requirements of subsection (c).
(b) The notice required under subsection (a) with respect toany fee described in that subsection shall appear by means of a display on thescreen of the machine after the transaction is initiated and before the user ofthe machine is irrevocably committed to completing the transaction, and shalldisplay, at a minimum, the following information:
(1) A statement that a fee is being imposed by the operatorof the machine, which fee may be in addition to any fee charged by the entityholding the account;
(2) The amount of the fee; and
(3) Clear instructions on how to continue or cancel thetransaction.
(c) The receipt required by subsection (a) shall be availableto the machine user upon completion of transaction(s), and shall contain thefollowing information:
(1) The amount of the withdrawal, cash advance, or paymenttransaction;
(2) The amount of the fee imposed by the machine operator;
(3) A statement indicating that the fee is being imposed bythe machine operator;
(4) A total based upon the sum of the withdrawal, cashadvance, or payment transaction and the operator's fee; and
(5) A statement indicating how the total amount of thetransaction will affect the applicable account (e.g. payment to or withdrawalfrom the account).
(d) Banks, credit unions, or other financial institutionsthat operate fifteen (15) or fewer ATM's shall be deemed to comply with thisact if they post the fees charged by a machine adjacent to the machine.