§ 19-4-1 Examination on application bydepositors, stockholders, directors, or trustees. Upon the written application, under oath, to the director or the director'sdesignee by depositors representing five percent (5%) of the deposits of anyfinancial institution, as shown by the last published return of the financialinstitution, or upon the written application to the director or the director'sdesignee of persons holding at least twenty-five percent (25%) of theoutstanding capital stock of any regulated institution, or upon the writtenapplication to the director or the director's designee of at least one third (1/3) in number of the board of directors or trustees of any regulatedinstitution, setting forth their interest and the reasons for making anexamination, and requesting him or her to examine the regulated institution,the director or the director's designee may make or cause to be made a fullinvestigation or examination of its affairs as provided by law.