§ 19-4-11 Summons of witnesses Obstruction or refusal to give information Prosecution of violations. The director or the director's designee may summon the directors, trustees,employees, officers, or agents of any regulated institution and any otherwitnesses that he or she thinks proper, and examine them relative to theaffairs, transactions, and condition of the regulated institution, and for thatpurpose may administer oaths. Whoever, without justifiable cause, refuses toappear and testify when so required, or obstructs the director, or any of thedirector's designees in the performance of his or her duties, shall be punishedby a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment fornot more than one year. If any person refuses to furnish any informationrequested by the director or any of the director's designees under theauthority of any chapter in this title, the director or the director's designeemay apply to the superior court, and that court shall cause the person to comebefore it and shall inquire into the facts set forth in the application, andmay commit the person to jail until he or she shall comply with the request.If, in the opinion of the director or the director's designee, the regulatedinstitution or its officers or trustees have violated any law relative to theregulated institution, the director or the director's designee may report theviolation to the attorney general, who may, on behalf of the state, institute aprosecution or other appropriate proceedings for the violation.