§ 19-6-3 Time and frequency of reports ofRhode Island bank holding companies. (a) Every Rhode Island bank holding company shall file an annual financialreport with the director or the director's designee, signed and sworn to by itspresident or a vice-president and also by its secretary, treasurer, or auditor,showing the condition of the Rhode Island bank holding company at the close ofbusiness on any past day specified by the director or the director's designee.The report shall be transmitted to the director or the director's designeewithin thirty (30) days of request, exclusive of Sundays and holidays. At thetime of filing each report the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid bythe Rhode Island bank holding company to the director to and for the use of thestate. A penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day for each day thereport is delayed shall be paid to the director to and for the use of the state.
(b) Copies of reports prepared for federal regulatoryauthorities may be filed in lieu of the above within the time frame requiredfor federal reports, with the above fees.