§ 19-9-19 Checks on consumer depositaccounts to show date account was opened. (a) All checks, drafts, or similar negotiable or non-negotiable instruments ororders of withdrawal which are drawn against funds held by a regulatedinstitution, as defined in this title, shall clearly display on their face themonth and year in which the account was opened. This section does not apply totemporary checks, drafts, or similar negotiable or non-negotiable instrumentsor orders of withdrawal.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "consumerdeposit account" means a demand or other similar deposit account establishedand maintained by a natural person with a regulated institution and operatedprimarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
(c) No liability or penalty shall be imposed on anydepositor, regulated institution, or printer for an unintentional failure tocomply with this section.