§ 19-9-30 Injunctions against fraud. (a) The attorney general is hereby empowered to bring an action in the name ofthe state in any court of competent jurisdiction for restraining orders andinjunctive relief to restrain and enjoin violations or threatened violation ofthe provisions of §§ 19-9-23 and 19-9-29.
(b) If any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entityis alienating or disposing of property, or intends to alienate or dispose ofproperty obtained as a result of a violation of §§ 19-9-23 and/or19-9-29 or property which is traceable to this violation, the attorney generalmay commence a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction:
(1) To enjoin the alienation or disposition of property; or
(2) For a restraining order to:
(i) Prohibit any person from withdrawing, transferring,removing, dissipating, or disposing of any of the property or property ofequivalent value; and
(ii) Appoint a temporary receiver to administer therestraining order.
(c) A permanent or temporary injunction or restraining ordershall be granted without bond. The court shall proceed as soon as practicableto the hearing and determination of an action, and may, at any time beforefinal determination, enter a restraining order or prohibition, or take otheraction, as is warranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury to thestate or to any person or class or persons for whose protection the action isbrought.