§ 2-1-18 Declaration of intent. Whereas it is recognized that swamps, marshes, and other fresh water wetlandsas defined in this chapter act as buffer zones and absorption areas for floodwaters; and
Whereas all flood plains for all rivers, streams, and otherwater courses are certain to be overflowed with water periodically in spite ofall reasonable efforts to prevent those occurrences; and
Whereas flood waters overflowing into marshes, swamps, andother fresh water wetlands are not only released more slowly downstream, thusreducing the damage they may cause, but flood waters tend to be absorbed intothe ground water supply through swamps, marshes, and other fresh waterwetlands, thus further reducing the flood hazard and recharging the vitalground water resource; and
Whereas swamps, marshes, and other fresh water wetlands areamong the most valuable of all wildlife habitats and are high valuerecreational areas as well, and wildlife and recreation are widely recognizedas essential to the health, welfare, and general well being of the generalpopulace; and
Whereas swamps, marshes, and other fresh water wetlands areincreasingly threatened by random and frequently undesirable projects fordrainage, excavation, filling, encroachment or other form of disturbance ordestruction and are currently inadequately protected from random andundesirable projects; and
Whereas the protection of swamps, marshes, and other freshwater wetlands from random, unnecessary, and/or undesirable drainage,excavation, filling, encroachment, or any other form of disturbance ordestruction is recognized as being in the best public interest and essential tothe health, welfare, and general well being of the general populace andessential to the protection of property and life during times of flood or otherdisaster affecting water levels or water supply;
Therefore, the provisions of the following sections areintended to preserve and regulate the use of swamps, marshlands and other freshwater wetlands.