§ 2-1-23 Violations. In the event of a violation of § 2-1-21, the director of environmentalmanagement has the power to order complete restoration of the fresh waterwetland area involved by the person or agent responsible for the violation. Ifthe responsible person or agent does not complete the restoration within areasonable time following the order of the director of the department ofenvironmental management, the director has the authority to order the work doneby an agent of the director's choosing and the person or agent responsible forthe original violation is liable for the cost of the restoration. The violatoris liable for a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) for eachviolation, except that if the violator knowingly or recklessly alters a freshwater wetland area without a permit or approval from the director, knowingly orrecklessly alters a fresh water wetland area in violation of the rules orregulations promulgated by the director, or alters a fresh water wetland areain violation of a permit issued by the director, then the violator is liablefor a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.