§ 2-11-6 Payments to local fire companiesand districts. Of the money required for all payments for the property used, and servicesrendered in extinguishing forest fires, fifty percent (50%) shall be paid bythe state to the local fire company or fire district. The payment for work donein preventing and extinguishing forest fires shall not be made until anitemized account of all the labor performed and materials used is submitted bythe local fire chief of the forest fire district or jurisdiction in which thework is done or the assistance rendered, and is approved for payment by thelocal fire chief of the forest fire district or jurisdiction, who shall, withinsixty (60) days from the date of any fire, transmit a copy of the itemizedaccount and order for payment to the director of the department ofenvironmental management for the director's approval and when the itemizedaccount and order for payment is approved the director shall transmit theaccount and order to the state controller who shall draw his or her order uponthe general treasurer for the payment of fifty percent (50%) of the money tothe local fire company or fire district.