§ 2-12-13 Proclamation of hazardousconditions Closing of forests. (a) Whenever in his or her opinion an unusual forest fire hazard exists, thedirector of environmental management shall notify the governor, who has theauthority to forbid by proclamation, any person or persons entering forests,woodlands or open lands in any parts of the state that he or she deems thepublic interest requires, and may by that proclamation suspend any woodsoperations and open season for taking fish, birds and quadrupeds. Theproclamation shall be in full force and effect immediately after notice isgiven in the manner the governor may determine, and shall remain in force untilrescinded by the governor. This does not prevent entry into forest or woodlandareas by forest fire suppression agents, law enforcement agents, legalresidents of those areas or persons engaged in pursuits necessary to the publichealth and welfare or, by any agency or person authorized by the state directorof environmental management.
(b) Any authorized representative or representatives of thedirector of environmental management, as well as state and local policeauthorities, shall enforce the provisions of the proclamation. Any person orpersons violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to afine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisonment for not more thanten (10) days.