§ 2-12-15 Emergency powers of director. Whenever, in his or her opinion, an unusual forest fire hazard exists, thegovernor shall in writing, notify the director of environmental management, andshall likewise notify the director when in his or her opinion the hazard hasceased to exist. Between the dates of the receipt by him or her of the notices,the director has full charge of the hazard and all fire chiefs and seniorofficers shall obey his or her orders or those of his or her authorizedrepresentatives; and he and she and his or her authorized representatives shallhave all the powers of fire chiefs and senior officers and the director of thedepartment of environmental management may establish rates of payment forequipment used in the prevention and suppression of forest fires. Any timeduring this period of unusual forest fire hazard, the director may prohibit, bya written directive filed with the secretary of state and by publicannouncement, all open air fires and any other activity conducted in the openair that creates a forest or wildland fire hazard, in any areas of the statethat he or she deems necessary to protect the health and property of the peopleof the state. Any person, firm or corporation who violates a directive, uponconviction, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars($300) nor less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or not exceeding ninety (90) daysnor less than thirty (30) days' imprisonment or both for each offense and eachday shall be considered a separate offense.