§ 2-12-3 Lookout stations andappropriations. (a) For the purpose of protecting the forests from fire, the director ofenvironmental management may expend, within the amount appropriated, a sumsufficient to establish, equip and maintain lookout stations, may purchase orlease necessary land and purchase material, contract for the construction oflookout stations, employ a watcher at each station established during thoseperiods in each year that the director may deem advisable, and shall fix therate per hour for those services. The watchers shall at all times, during theiremployment, be subject to the control of the director.
(2) The director of environmental management may cooperate inforest protection and may enter into agreements with other states, groups ofstates and the federal government to provide assistance and accept assistancein the control of fires which may include training of personnel. Any employeeof the department of environmental management assigned to fire control dutiesor training programs outside this state shall be considered the same as workinginside this state for the purpose of compensation and other employee benefits.
(b) The general assembly shall annually appropriate, out ofany money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in addition to any othermoneys appropriated for this purpose, any sum as it may deem necessary to beexpended under the direction of the department of environmental management forthe purpose of providing for keeping open and operating the forest fire towersin this state throughout twelve (12) months of each year and the statecontroller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon thegeneral treasurer for the payment of that sum, or so much as may be requiredfrom time to time, upon the receipt by him or her of proper vouchers approvedby the director of environmental management, provided that authority is givento the director of environmental management to utilize the services of thepersonnel assigned to the operation of forest fire towers for other phases ofthe forestry, parks and parkways program, whenever, in his or her discretion,because of certain seasonal weather conditions, forest fire towers are notrequired to be staffed with a full complement of personnel.