§ 2-14-5 Trees under control of warden Entry on private property. The tree warden in a town or city has the care and control of all trees andshrubs, in whole or in part within the limits of any public road or grounds andwithin the limits of his or her town or city, except those on roads under thecontrol of the department of transportation and those in public parks orgrounds which are under the jurisdiction and control of the department ofenvironmental management or the park commission of any town or city. The treewarden may assume the care and control of trees or shrubs in any public park ifrequested, in writing, by the department of environmental management or thepark commission of any city or town. The care and control extends to any limbs,roots or parts of trees and shrubs that extend or overhang the limits or boundsof any public road or grounds, and the tree warden, or his or her agent, or anauthorized agent of the department of transportation, or an authorized agent ofthe department of environmental management, or an authorized agent of the parkcommission of any town or city, may enter upon private property when necessaryto exercise care and control.