§ 2-15-12 Plants for taking of whichpermits are required. No person, firm or corporation shall dig up, pull up or take from the land ofanother or from any public domain, the whole or any part of any trailingarbutus (epigea repens), American holly (ilex opaca), white pine, red cedar,hemlock or other coniferous trees, or any black alder (ilex verticillata), anyinkberry (ilex glabra), any flowering dogwood (cornus florida), any mountainlaurel (kalmia latifolia), any great rhododendron (rhododendron maximia), orany ground pine (lycopodium obscurum), or any trailing Christmas greens(lycopodium complanatum), or any sea lavender (limonium carolinianum), withouthaving in his or her possession a permit to dig up, pull up or take thoseplants signed by the owner of the land, or by his or her authorized agent.