§ 2-15-2 Reports to department Suspensions. Before any person, firm or corporation cuts or saws, as provided in thischapter, he or she shall at least five (5) days prior to the cutting or sawingnotify the department of environmental management, on forms prepared by thedepartment, of the location of the area and/or property. The five (5) daynotice contained in this section may be reduced to any length of time,including a complete waiver of the five (5) day notice by the department, if inthe discretion of the department the reduction is warranted. Failure to givethe required notice is considered sufficient cause to suspend a registrationcertificate for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. No suspension becomeseffective unless the person, firm or corporation which is alleged to havefailed to give the required notice has been notified of the alleged failure andhas also had an opportunity to be heard. Any person, firm, or corporation, orany authorized agent of any person, firm or corporation shall utilize bestmanagement practices while harvesting trees as provided for in this chapter.Administrative fees for the filing of five (5) day notices shall be collectedas provided for in § 2-10-3.1 and deposited within the state forestry fundas provided for in § 2-10-3.