§ 2-15-7 Throwing of debris prohibited. (a) No person, or agent of a firm or corporation, shall:
(1) Deposit or throw any advertisement within the limits ofany public way or grounds, or upon private premises or property, unless theadvertisement is left at the door of the residence or place of business of theoccupant of the premises or property;
(2) Throw, dump, or deposit or cause to be thrown, dumped, ordeposited bottles, glass, crockery, cans, scrap metal, junk, paper, garbage,old automobiles or parts, refuse of whatever nature, or any noxious thing onthe public highway or within the limits of the highway right-of-way, or onlands or waters adjoining a public highway, without the consent of the ownersof those lands or waters; or
(3) Throw, dump, or deposit or cause to be thrown, dumped, ordeposited refuse or noxious things over the sides or approaches of any bridgeor culvert into any stream or watercourse.
(b) The tree warden, department of transportation, thedepartment of environmental management, or the park commission of any town orcity, as the case may be, may provide suitable locations equipped with properfireplaces on the roadside of any public highway or on other public groundsunder their jurisdiction for the building of fires, and equipped with trashcans for the deposit of rubbish or debris, the use of these locations andfireplaces to be subject to proper regulations. The fireplaces and theregulations governing their use shall meet with the approval of the director ofenvironmental management.
(c) Any person violating the provisions of this section shallbe fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundreddollars ($500). Any violation shall be heard by the traffic tribunal inaccordance with § 31-41.1-6.