§ 2-16-10 Hearing on quarantine orembargo. Quarantines or embargoes provided for in subdivisions (4) and (5) of §2-16-3 shall be established by the director only after a public hearing. Timelyannouncement of the hearing shall be given to interested persons by mail or bytwo (2) announcements in newspapers serving the area affected. When in anycase, in the opinion of the director, the delay necessary for the holding ofthe hearing is likely to cause serious harm or would in any way seriouslyhandicap a control program, the director may establish a temporary quarantine,effective immediately and remaining effective for a period not to exceed thirty(30) days, during which thirty (30) day period a hearing shall be announced andheld as stated above, and the continuation and maintenance of this quarantineor embargo beyond the thirty (30) day period shall be dependent on the hearing.