§ 2-17-12 Destruction of uninfectedplants. If, in the opinion of the director of environmental management or his or herappointed agents, it becomes necessary to destroy five (5) leaved pines orspecies of the genus ribes not actually infected with the disease, the ownermay receive compensation for any species of the genus ribes it becomesnecessary to destroy, if he or she makes demand within twenty-four (24) hoursafter notification from the department of the intention to destroy the species.In case any owner makes demand for compensation for the property it becomesnecessary to destroy, application shall be made to the director to appoint somequalified disinterested person to appraise the value of the species of thegenus ribes that it becomes necessary to destroy, and the destruction of theproperty shall be deferred pending the appraisal of the value of the property.The appraiser shall, upon appraising the value of property that it becomesnecessary to destroy, certify the facts of the appraisal to the department ofenvironmental management and the amount of the appraised value of the propertyshall be paid to the owner of the property, and the destruction of the propertyshall proceed.