§ 2-18.1-18 Labelling imported stock. (a) All nursery stock shipped into this state from any country, state,commonwealth, province, territory, or the District of Columbia, shall bear oneach box, package, bale, container, bundle, or other unit, a certificate ofinspection, its facsimile, or an official tag, stating that the nursery stockcontained within or bundled has been inspected by an authorized plantregulatory officer of the state of origin or of the United States department ofagriculture, and that the stock was found to be free from all injurious insectsand plant diseases. Any container or bundle bearing a certificate of fumigationor other treatment which meets the requirements specified in regulations madeunder the authority of § 2-18.1-21 may be accepted as though bearing aproper certificate of inspection.
(b) In case nursery stock is brought into this state withoutthe required certificate of inspection or treatment, the consignee is requiredto return it to the consignor at the expense of the latter.