§ 2-18.1-19 Common carrier. – No transportation company or common carrier shall accept for transportationwithin this state, or deliver any box, bundle, package, bale, container, orother unit containing or consisting of nursery stock to any consignee withinthe state, unless the container or package has attached to it a copy of theofficial tag or certificate of inspection as required by this chapter and theregulations of the director. No common carrier or transportation company isliable for damages to the consignee or consignor for refusing to receive,transport or deliver any box, bundle, package, bale, container, or other unitcontaining or consisting of nursery stock to any consignee within the state,when not accompanied by the required tag or certificate. In case any nurserystock is shipped within this state without the certificate plainly affixed, thefact must be promptly reported to the department by the carrier, stating theconsignor and the consignee and the nature of the shipment, and the carrier maybe required to hold the shipment subject to the order of the director.