§ 2-18.1-6 Nursery inspection andcertification. (a) It is the duty of the director to inspect at least once each year duringthe growing season, all nurseries in the state of Rhode Island to ascertainwhether they are infested with injurious insect pests or infected withinjurious plant diseases. If upon the inspection of any nursery it appears thatthe nursery and the nursery stock are apparently free from injurious insectsand plant diseases, it is the duty of the director to issue to the owner of thenursery, or the person in charge of the nursery, a certificate setting forththe fact of the inspection and freedom from injurious insects and plantdiseases. Conversely, if inspection of any nursery and the stock reveals thepresence of injurious insects and/or plant diseases, the owner or person incharge of the nursery shall take any measures to suppress or eradicate theseinjurious insects and/or plant diseases that the director prescribes, and acertificate shall not be issued until the director, by subsequent inspections,determines that the nursery and stock are apparently free from injuriousinsects and plant diseases.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the director may refuseto inspect and certify a nursery if the nursery, for lack of care or neglect,is in such condition that it cannot be adequately inspected.