§ 2-18.1-9 Nursery worker's licenses Nonlicensed growers. (a) No person shall engage as a nursery worker in this state without firstobtaining a nursery worker's license from the department. The license expireson March 31 of each year, and application for renewal of license shall be madeannually prior to that date. Applications for license or renewal of licenseshall be in writing, on a form prescribed by the department, and be accompaniedby a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Each applicant for a nursery worker'slicense shall certify that he or she will buy and distribute only nursery stockwhich has been officially inspected and certified and that he or she will, onrequest of the department, furnish a list of all sources from which he or shesecures nursery stock and of all of his or her places of business where he orshe sells that stock. No license is transferable.
(b) Any park, arboretum, forestry department, or any otherstate or municipal agency growing nursery stock solely for use on its ownproperty or in connection with public reforestation projects are exempt fromobtaining a license and are not considered to be operating commercialnurseries, but are required to register annually with the director, and aremade subject to any of the inspection and the certification requirements ofthis chapter that may apply.