§ 2-20-22 Survey fees. There shall be paid for the survey of all lumber, excepting hard woods,twenty-five cents (25¢) per one thousand feet (1,000') board measure, formahogany, cedar and cherry-tree timber, boards, planks and joists, fifty cents(50¢) per one thousand feet (1,000') board measure, for oak and other hardwoods, for ship building, twenty-five cents (25¢) per ton, for ash, maple,birch and other hard wood, forty cents (40¢) per one thousand feet(1,000') board measure, to be paid by the purchaser, and in case the purchaserrequires that a person should be employed to keep tally of the lumber, anadditional fee of five cents (5¢) per one thousand feet (1,000') shall bepaid for that service. No stock lumber shall be surveyed unless requested bythe purchaser.