§ 2-21-8 Inspection, sampling, analysis. (a) It is the duty of the director, who may act through his or her authorizedagent, to sample, inspect, make analyses, and test agricultural limingmaterials distributed within this state as he or she deems necessary todetermine whether those agricultural liming materials are in compliance withthe provisions of this chapter. The director, individually or through his orher agent, is authorized to enter upon any public or private premises orcarriers during regular business hours in order to have access to agriculturalliming material subject to the provisions of this chapter and regulationspertaining to agricultural liming material, and to the records relating totheir distribution.
(b) The methods of analysis and sampling are those approvedby the director, and shall be guided by association of official analyticalchemists procedures.
(c) The results of official analysis of agricultural limingmaterials and portions of official samples shall be distributed, upon request,by the director as provided in the regulations at least annually.