§ 2-22-10 Penalties for violations. (a) Any person convicted of violating any provision of this chapter or therules and regulations promulgated under this chapter is subject to a penalty ofnot less than one hundred dollars ($100). The penalty shall not be greater thanfive thousand dollars ($5,000) or in addition to the penalty, the violator'sregistration fee shall be increased four hundred percent (400%) for the four(4) years subsequent to the penalty. All penalties shall be enforced by asummary proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in thischapter shall be construed as requiring the director of environmentalmanagement or his or her authorized agent to report for prosecution or for theinstitution of seizure proceedings as a result of minor violations of thechapter when he or she believes that the public interest will best be served bya suitable written warning.
(b) The director is authorized to apply for and the court togrant a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violatingor continuing to violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule orregulation promulgated under the chapter notwithstanding the existence of otherremedies at law. The injunction to be issued without bond.