§ 2-22-5 Registration Tonnagereport and fee. (a) Each separately identified product shall be registered before beingdistributed in this state. The application for registration shall be submittedto the director of environmental management on forms furnished or approved bythe director and be accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per product.Upon approval by the director, a certified copy of the registration shall befurnished to the applicant. All registrations expire on December 31st of eachyear. Each manufacturer shall submit to the director a copy of labels andadvertising literature with the registration request for each soil amendment.
(b) A distributor is not required to register any brand ofsoil amendment which is already registered under this chapter by anotherperson, providing that the label does not differ in any respect.
(c) Before registering any soil amendment, the director mayrequire evidence to substantiate the claims made for the soil amendment andproof of the value and usefulness of the soil amendment and of any process stepduring composting deemed essential to the safety of the soil amendment asprovided in subsections (c) and (d) of § 2-22-4.
(d) The director may by regulation set the minimum amount ofa soil amending ingredient and soil amending ingredients that must be presentbefore a soil amendment can be registered and sold.
(e) The director may through promulgation of regulationsrequire a tonnage fee and/or tonnage report annually. If required, the tonnagefee and tonnage report may be made on a calculated equivalent of volume to tonson brands labeled by volume rather than weight.
(f) The composter is required to register the operation withthe director and shall identify their organic and any inorganic inputs andprocesses used in the making of their compost. The director shall set forthrules and regulations delineating the organic inputs allowed under thefollowing compost designations and shall collect the appropriate registrationfee for the compost operation. Compost classes are:
(1) Horticultural grade, general use, one hundred fiftydollars ($150) per year;
(2) Horticultural grade, mixed source general use, threehundred dollars ($300) per year;
(3) Non-food crop use, one thousand dollars ($1,000) peryear; and
(4) Limited landscape use, two thousand five hundred dollars($2,500) per year.