§ 2-22-6 Inspection, sampling, analysis. (a) It is the duty of the director of environmental management, who may actthrough his or her authorized agent, to sample, inspect, make analyses, andtest soil amendments distributed within the state at any time and place and toany extent he or she may deem necessary to determine whether the soilamendments are in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The director,individually or through his or her agent, is authorized to enter upon anypublic or private premises or carriers during regular business hours in orderto have access to soil amendments subject to the provisions of the chapter andthe rules and regulations pertaining to soil amendments, and to the recordsrelating to their distribution.
(b) The methods of analysis and sampling shall be thoseadopted by the director from sources such as the association of officialanalytical chemists, or other sources acceptable to the director.
(c) The results of official analyses of soil amendments andportions of official samples shall be distributed by the director as providedin the regulations.