§ 2-22-8 Misbranding. No person shall distribute a misbranded soil amendment. A soil amendment isdeemed to be misbranded if:
(a) Its labeling is false or misleading in any particular;
(b) It is distributed under the name of another soilamendment;
(c) It is not labeled as required in §§ 2-22-4 and2-22-5 and in accordance with regulations prescribed under this chapter;
(d) It purports to be or is represented as a soil amendment,unless that soil amendment conforms to the definitions of identity, if any,prescribed by regulation of the director of environmental management; in theadopting of those regulations, the director shall give due regard to commonlyaccepted definitions and official terms such as those issued by the associationof American plant food control officials; or
(e) It does not conform to ingredient form, minimums,labeling and investigational allowances in the regulations adopted by thedirector.