§ 2-23.1-6 Work sessions. Any farmer who receives a notification as provided for in § 2-23.1-4 mayrequest in writing, within ten (10) business days after such notification, awork session to review the impact of the matter subject to notification onfarming. The request shall be made to the official designated on thenotification to receive such requests. Within twenty (20) business days afterthe receipt of such a request, said official shall notify in writing allfarmers on the notification list of the request, providing the location, timeand date of a work session on the matter, which shall be not sooner than seven(7) business days after the date of the notice of the said work session. Thepurpose of the work session shall be to review and consider the effects of thematter subject to notification on farming. The work session shall be open tothe public and shall be prior to any final action on the matter subject tonotification by the public body in the city or town in which said matteroriginates, and the findings and conclusions of the work session shall bereported to the public body. For any matter subject to notifications not morethan one work session shall be deemed to be required by the provisions of thischapter.