§ 2-3-8 Appropriations for 4-H youthdevelopment activities. The sum of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) is annuallyappropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, tobe expended by the respective officers of the three (3) district associations:
(1) Fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) to the eastern RhodeIsland cooperative extension service for expenses in connection with its annual4-H fair and/or other 4-H activities;
(2) Fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) to the northern RhodeIsland cooperative extension service for expenses in connection with its annual4-H fair and/or other 4-H activities; and
(3) Fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) to the southern RhodeIsland cooperative extension service for expenses in connection with its annual4-H fair and/or other 4-H activities;
The state controller is hereby authorized and directed todraw orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of this money, or somuch as may be required from time to time, upon the receipt by the statecontroller of properly authenticated vouchers.