§ 2-4-2 Definitions. (1) "Associate Director" means a designated representative of any community whoserves to advise and consult with the board of directors of a district.
(2) "Committee" or "state conservation committee" means theagency created in § 2-4-3. All references in this chapter to "stateconservation committee", "state committee", or "committee" shall be deemed tobe references to "state conservation committee".
(3) "Conservation" includes conservation, improvement,maintenance, preservation, protection and use, and the control and preventionof floodwater and sediment damages, and the safe disposal of water.
(4) "Director" means one of the members of the governing bodyof a district, appointed or elected in accordance with the provisions of thischapter.
(5) "District" or "conservation district" means a subdivisionof the state conservation committee, and a quasi public corporation organizedin accordance with the provisions of this chapter, for the purposes, with thepowers, and subject to the restrictions set forth. All districts created underthis chapter shall be known as conservation districts and shall have all thepowers and duties set out in this chapter. All references in this chapter to"districts" shall be deemed to be references to "conservation districts".
(6) "Land occupier" or "occupier of land" includes anyperson, firm or corporation holding title to, or in possession of, any landslying within a district organized under the provisions of this chapter, whetheras owner, renter, lessee, tenant, town, municipality or otherwise.
(7) "Renewable natural resources", "natural resources", or"resources" includes land, soil, water, vegetation, trees, fish, wildlife,streams, rivers, natural beauty, scenery, and open space.